Northern Rock wins prestigious national ‘Big Tick’ award

Northern Rock has been heralded among the most responsible businesses in the UK after receiving Business in the Community’s (BITC) coveted national Big Tick for its work to tackle financial exclusion in partnership with credit unions.
The Big Tick award is the first level of award available to entrants of the national BITC Awards for Excellence, which recognise inspirational programmes that are making a positive impact on the community, the environment or wider society.
Northern Rock’s contribution, which involved volunteers skilled in a number of disciplines, helping to rebrand and relaunch South Tyneside Credit Union as Bridges Your Community Bank, has also been shortlisted for consideration for the title of Example of Excellence - the overall winner for the Building Stronger Communities category.
The final results will be announced at the BITC Awards for Excellence Gala Event, sponsored by Unilever, which will be held at the Royal Albert Hall on 5 July.
Northern Rock’s Customer and Commercial Director Andy Tate said: “We are absolutely delighted to receive this Big Tick in recognition of our important work in the local community, in this instance for our work with Bridges.
“We are also honoured to have been shortlisted for the overall Example of Excellence and we are very proud of what has been achieved through the dedication of our staff.”
Stephen Howard, Chief Executive of Business in the Community said: “I congratulate Northern Rock on achieving its Big Tick. It is a challenging time for business, but this is a sign that companies are not losing their focus and are transforming their businesses to make a positive impact on people and society; and are prepared to lead by example. That’s what Business in the Community’s Awards for Excellence is all about – celebrating responsible business, the leadership that makes it happen and the benefits to the business and society of doing so.
“Communities and consumers need to see that businesses are proactive, visible and engaged on the big issues of the day, as Northern Rock has demonstrated.”
Representatives from Northern Rock will be presented with the Big Tick award at a regional celebration event at the Gateshead Hilton at the end of June.