Striking new images of Hanham Hall in Bristol

Bristol is leading the way in setting new standards for housing with Hanham Hall set to be the country’s first large scale zero carbon development. And Barratt has today launched a stunning new computer generated imagery (CGI) giving the most accurate picture yet of Hanham Hall.
Work is currently underway at the development in Bristol, set to deliver 185 new homes in an attractive and sustainable environment – including the total refurbishment of Hanham Hall itself.
The development will meet the highest level 6 of the Code for Sustainable Homes and will be completed before the 2016 target for all new homes built to be zero carbon.
Set within 12 acres of open landscape, the homes will benefit from an area of green space running through the heart of the development.
“This new CGI is very exciting because, for the first time, it shows visually the detail of many aspects we have been talking about since the start of this project,” said Barratt managing director, Richard Gregory.
“From the fantastic new homes to the pond that will be home to a variety of wildlife and the footbridge linking Hanham Hall to the meadows and allotments, people can see this remarkable project laid out in front of them.”
Hanham Hall, a former hospital site owned by the Homes and Communities Agency, the national housing and regeneration agency, is part of the Carbon Challenge, a government programme that intends to create a number of zero carbon housing developments across the country.
The new CGI clearly illustrates the space creatively designed for children to play in and the bridge linking homes with the allotment gardens and greenhouses made available to encourage residents to grow their own fruit and vegetables. The imagery also clearly shows south-facing balconies overlooking the attractive green space designed to enhance residents’ quality of life.
The homes will provide a mix of properties for first time buyers and families, with the first set for completion towards the end of 2010. They will use energy and water efficiently, as well as minimising waste and carbon emissions.
The development is the first created as part of the government’s Carbon Challenge initiative, which aims to help the housebuilding industry fast track a number of developments that significantly reduce the impact on the environment; provide important lessons for delivering low carbon development; and encourage people to live more sustainable lifestyles.
Recently, the innovative nature of the project has been recognised with £0.8m additional funding from the government’s low carbon infrastructure initiative to provide an extension of the heat network from the onsite biomass CHP plant.
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