New travel app makes visa applications simpler, faster and stress free

VisaPort is a new, free smartphone app that dramatically reduces the stress of making visa applications. In addition, the app has a number of other highly integrated travel-related functions such as an airline and hotel and bookings as well as travel insurance coverage as well as offering extensive travel advice.
The free app is the result of over four years software development and a seven-figure investment by UK company eGoVisa and is aimed at the frequent business or leisure traveller. eGoVisa has partnered wth major providers of travel and insurance services to create a one stop shop integrated experience for travellers.
The app ensures that all the traveller’s information and personal data (including biometric data required in the visa application process) is collected in the correct format to satisfy the visa authorities for all countries in the world. All personal information is held securely on the VisaPort servers and accessible at any time by the user, making subsequent visa applications extremely easy to process.
The visa application can be presented either electronically (directly to participating embassies and consulates) or in hard copy form, which can be printed by the applicant. The app lets the user search up to 15,000 visa types worldwide from over 34,000 embassies and outposts with new visas and embassies being added each day. Every detail of the visa is available including cost, entry conditions, document requirements and lead times in a consistent interface and standardized format.
The app is constantly updated as entry requirements evolve. Travellers can test if they qualify using the document matrix logic which compares the user’s enrolment against the visa requirements. The application also supports the delivery of an electronic visa which can even be sent directly to the user’s smartphone wallet.
eGoVisaGroup CEO Ghassan Matar said: “I know from personal experience that applying for a visa in a number of countries worldwide is far from straightforward and can be a stressful, time consuming and frustrating experience. The sheer volume of information and level of detail required by some countries can be daunting.”
He added: “Our objective with the app is to take the pain out of the application process by taking the visa applicant through a clear, comprehensive, intuitive and secure process that results in the traveller meeting the exact entry needs of their destination country. For a nominal fee the traveller can save a lot of time and stress while contributing to the reduction in greenhouse gases”
Uniquely, the app can manage complex travel arrangements where members of one family may be flying in at different times from different countries for varying durations of stay – sorting out the visas for such a situtation manually can be a nightmare. Using the app streamlines the process and makes it easy to apply for multiple visas. The cost of each visa application is only $25.00 per applicant with a discount for family applications. The fee includes the preparation of a Visa Application package for each applicant which includes the their visa application, their supporting documents, their travel itineraries, their biometrics as well as instructions on what to do next, and directions. An electronic copy of this document is automatically filed with the participating embassies and Consulates. The app also has a facility for reporting lost, stolen or mislaid passports direct to the Embassy. The Embassy can then cancel or suspend the passport until it is recovered.
The app also acts as a complete travel planning tool. Using an intuitive interface the traveller can search hotels and flights, via eGoVisa’s partner Amadeus and Expedia, with savings of up to 35%. The user can also shop for travel insurance from over 40 providers. For more information, visit
Android and iOS versions (iOS6.0 and above) are currently available with a Windows version coming on stream by end May 2015. The Android version is available on Google Play.