Four of the top money saving apps for 2015

Well, we made it through the festive season and are now into the very early stages of 2015. Granted many of us are probably still a few pounds heavier than we were six weeks back or so, but we made it. Unfortunately, as we probably gained weight over the holidays, we almost certainly didn’t gain any extra finances, which is why the next few months are always very tight money-wise. To be perfectly honest, the entire year tends to be pretty tight when it comes to our finances, which is why it’s so important to save every single penny we can. The good news is that thanks to all of the advances in modern technology over the last few years, we now have a number of handy money saving tools at our disposal. Look at smart phones for examples. Smartphone apps are now more popular than ever and for good reason too. It doesn’t matter how unique or how obscure something may be, there’s a good chance that there will be an app available based upon that specific subject. The great news for those of you looking to save money is that there are now numerous apps out there designed to save you as much money as possible and for that reason we’ll be taking a look at just four.
Azimo - Azimo is an app which allows users to transfer funds from one country to another, for a mere fraction of the cost of rates charged by banks or various other money transfer based services. In order to transfer money abroad, users are required to register and then enter the bank details of the recipient. Just to give you an idea of how much you could save. To send around £500 abroad to a country such as Poland, a bank would charge around £43 and other services such as paypal would charge around £20. Azimo would simply cost £6.25. Azimo is free to download and use, and works on both Android and IOS systems.
Whatsapp - Whatsapp is one of the most popular apps in the entire world, and for good reason too. They were recently purchased by Facebook, with the app being free for the first 12 months of use, and costing just 69p each following year. This app will save a fortune for people who send a lot of text and media images. It uses WI-FI networks to send messages, and once downloaded, everything you send is completely free. Whatsapp is available on Android and IOS systems.
My Voucher Codes - My Voucher Codes is a fantastic app designed to provide users with discount codes whilst on the move. Quick searches online can yield hundreds upon hundreds of voucher codes for various stores and businesses, but the problem is that often they require printing off. This not only wastes ink, and time, but it is also a great deal of hassle, especially if you only stand to save a small amount. This app however, will use your GPS location to locate deals close by to you, and will then send them to your phone. You can save a potential fortune on food, drink, beauty treatments, products on offer, and much more besides. The app is free to download and it too works on IOS and Android systems.
My Super List - If you spend too much on your weekly shops at the supermarket, My Super List is ideal. The app allows you to use your phone to create a shopping list, and then do a check to find which store is selling the items you require for the lowest price. Some items even allow you to get cashback so you make further savings. This app is free to download and is available on both Android and IOS devices.